Everyone leaves as Princess Carolyn says that the party is over. Mr. Peanutbutter remarks that sounds like a hard puzzle. Just then, Mr. Peanutbutter gets a text from Pickles saying they have broken up forever. Meanwhile, at MBN, Pinky reveals he got promoted to head of programming, as Wanda left MBN and got hired by another network and moved to Detroit. Mr. Peanutbutter goes to see his agent, Ronnie Bonito, although after waiting outside all day he goes into his office to find Ronnie has accidentally died from auto-erotic asphyxiation. Mr. Peanutbutter realizes that they need video evidence of him being tough. A security guard comes and allows him to leave for the weekend to attend Princess Carolyn and Judah's wedding. She turns on a podcast which happens to be Diane's for Girl Croosh, making things awkward, especially when she brings up Mr. Peanutbutter dating Pickles, and how she's half his age. Mr. Peanutbutter tells BoJack he took the liberty of doing his laundry for him and found a letter in his jacket pocket. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Paige and Max the story about his and Pickles plan to be even with each other due to his infidelity and Max tells him Pickles and Joey are in love. As Woodchuck is an experienced skier, Mr. Peanutbutter loses the race. Pickles excitedly says she has to go and gives Mr. Peanutbutter a final hug and kiss thanking him for everything before running off. When Diane asks if they can go soon, because being around so many famous people made her nervous, Mr. Peanutbutter instead insists she go talk to BoJack. However, she realizes that she's going to have to talk to Ralph again. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter the only way for them to be even is if Pickles got to sleep with someone else and Mr. Peanutbutter quickly agrees. Later that night, Diane signed the papers and officially divorced Mr. Peanutbutter. Afterward, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Diane there's a woman in the restaurant he's at that looks just like her, which makes her laugh, although it is unknown if Mr. Peanutbutter was joking or if he was actually being serious. Pickles then suggest sleeping with both Buzzy and Tyler from Soul Cycle. She wonders why Mr. Peanutbutter does things for her because she's such a disaster, but Mr. Peanutbutter says she's just Diane and that he'd do anything for her. Mr. Peanutbutter is Canadian-American as he was born and raised in Canada, where his brother and his family reside. BoJack gets angry at his mockery and tells him Diane went to Cordovia to get away from her failing marriage. She throws her engagement ring back at Mr. Peanutbutter, yelling "unsubscribe!" Diane says that she is, but that she's in Vietnam. Mr. Peanutbutter asks how he should fix that. They drive up to Griffith Park Observatory and BoJack questions if this is where the wedding is happening. Pickles then pulls Mr. Peanutbutter aside saying she needs to talk to him. Mr. Peanutbutter then asks Diane about her boyfriend. When Diane returns home later that night, Mr. Peanutbutter talks to Diane to apologize for his grand gestures and explains how much he loves her despite having different personalities. Mr Peanutbutter's penchant for codependency and his inability look within himself will lead him on a slow spiral of poor decision making and victimization. Diane returns and is now looking for the owner of a blue Tesla. Gina begins to storm out, and tells BoJack to stay away from her, and get help, or not, because she doesn't care anymore. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. Pickles continues to say, that even though Mr. Peanutbutter did something stupid, she is the one to feel bad and its not fair. The two decide since they're both going they'll carpool in his limo. When Mr. Peanutbutter tries to give her the version with whip cream he realizes its gone. The next morning BoJack wakes up to Mr. Peanutbutter cooking breakfast. After this, she and Mr. Peanutbutter, who is at the same restaurant, notice each other from across the room, to their shock. He also tells them how Diane never got her jacket back and tells them they should ask her about it. Mr. Peanutbutter starts to say they should set a date for the wedding but he is interrupted by Pickles telling him about the job opportunity with Joey Pogo. He says the flooding ruined Julie Brown's new vintage dress she just bought and ruined the big finale of the show where her puppet plays Beethoven's fifth on the bongos. Also, in After the Party and What Time Is It Right Now, where he upsets and angers Diane by doing grand gestures for her and giving her elaborate gifts which she tells him countless times throughout their relationship she doesn't like. When the scene is cut, Mr. Peanutbutter again tries to complement Melodie but she tells him to drop dead." They awkwardly shake hands before she gets out of the car. However, she tells him to keep her away from any mummies due to a traumatic incident from her past. Before leaving, Katrina asked Mr. Peanutbutter to not leave her alone during the party, as she didn't know anyone there, and Mr. Peanutbutter agreed. Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he will be with him unless he spots his old friend Erica and notices some notable characteristic about her personality, he then questions what the odds of that happening are, making this his final appearance in the series. When Princess Carolyn questions Mr. Peanutbutter about his reputation, he says that hes not worried about it as he believes that people generally want to like him, and the universe will align in his favor. Following the phone call, Mr. Peanutbutter immediately contacts Princess Carolyn, in seek of assistance. All this speech ended up becoming empty when Diane invites PB to sleep with her. Why did BoJack and Diane get a divorce? This causes him to crack jokes that instead of being funny, just make people around him scratch their heads. Let's Find Out!," leaving Mr. Peanutbutter out of a job. She goes on to say that your whole life is a puzzle with pieces that don't quite fit. ; The Alcoholic: Briefly, after returning from Cordovia and crashing at BoJack's, Diane devolves into a drunken mess as a way to cope with the horrors she saw in the derelict country, fear of confronting Mr. Peanutbutter about the state of their marriage and shame of having "abandoned . This refers to twin sisters from the show Mr. Peanutbutter's HouseZelda was a happy extrovert, Zo was a cynical introvert. I mean, at the Halloween party, she reassured Pickles, and said that PB would love her unconditionally, and Diane was no longer the person he loved, now it was her. He is five years younger than BoJack, despite looking much younger. She elaborates, saying that what was part of the betrayal of Mr. Peanutbutter sleeping with Diane, is that they shared an intimate history. The two layouts on the pool, as it is filled with green Jell-O. Diane agrees to this and assures him she's not in New York. On set, Sassy tries to fight off Philbert, but he pins her down and begins violently strangling her. He asks them if they remember the time one woman freaked out because she saw a mummy. In The New Client, Mr. Peanutbutter is with Princess Carolyn andFlea Daniels reviewing a scene for his upcoming movie Birthday Dad. After this, he calls Diane and tells her he's really proud of her that she's in Cordovia doing great things. He is eventually forced by Wanda to answer a question wrong (when did Secretariat win the Triple Crown), which Mr. Peanutbutter laughs at him for, as BoJack at the time was filming the Secretariat movie and was playing Secretariat. Although he doesnt completely understand whats going on, he agrees to have sex with Pickles. Later, Diane asks if they can go soon, because being around so many famous people are making her nervous. Mr. Peanutbutter and Captain Peanutbutter are excited to spend the holiday together, although whenever Diane is alone with him Captain Peanutbutter talks in a nihilistic manner to her. BoJack doesn't have a costume so asks Princess Carolyn for help. BoJack, annoyed, questions what they're doing here. In short, he is "a dog seen from the point of view of a cat person." Either Diane refused to take Mr Peanutbutter's money because she wants to be independent and would see it as a sign of weakness or she wanted to be able to maintain a good relationship with him afterwards and felt that if he had to send her a check every month, that wasn't going to happen. Princess Carolyn meanwhile begins contacting a landscaper. Diane tells him things are really good with her and Guy. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are at the hospital, where Diane's wrist has been put in a cast. After they calm down, Diane says she thinks their marriage is like a magic eye poster, as at first glance, it's messy and doesn't make sense, but if you squint hard enough, everything lines up. However, Diane realizes that the notes he took were all gibberish, and he admits that he wanted to get back together with her. Meanwhile, Diane is offered by celebrity Sebastian St. Clair to come to war-torn Cordovia with him to write a memoir for him similar to what she did for BoJack. She goes on to say that she believes that Mr. Peanutbutter is a really sad dog just like the meme. Mr. Peanutbutter storms off during the commercial break, unsure as to whether he should forgive BoJack. Mr. Peanutbutter got to meet Hank at the after-party, excitedly tells Hank how much of a fan he is and how Hank inspired him as a kid, and he got a picture with him. Soon, the hatred that the cast and crew held for Mr. Peanutbutter quickly turns into pity. Diane nervously rambles about how she loved Horsin Around and how the show played a huge role in her formative years. The "D" incident inspired the film Mr. Peanutbutter's Hollywoo Heist, directed by Quentin Tarantulino. He proposes to her in the season finale to avoid admitting he cheated on her by sleeping with Diane. That last part is key because, for Mr. Peanutbutter, he isn't meeting and dating these women because they have common interests (besides not having kids, he and Diane have little in common),. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells him he has five more scenes to shoot for the day and then after work he is going to Todd's fancy party. While sitting in a circle listening to Doug tell a story about lying, cheating, and stealing, Mr. Peanutbutter asks if Doug ever told his wife about the cheating. In The Shot, as he agrees to play Nixon's dog Checkers. Bojack Horseman How Diane And Mr. Peanutbutter met and fell in love Subscribe,Like And Leave A Comment ! Diane is upset because she has to explain her costume to everyone over and over. Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. Mrpeanutbutter does need to stop and think about his actions before he does them. Later, Pickles and Joey finish having sex in the meat locker. Pickles is getting annoyed he keeps bringing up all his ex-wives. Mr. Peanutbutter goes outside and asks Captain Peanutbutter if everything is OK with him. However, that same evening Jessica dumped him, Mr. Peanutbutter met Diane Nguyen, an aspiring writer who was a part-time caterer at the time and was catering for the event he was at, and who he met earlier at a Starbucks that Diane also worked at. Mr. Peanutbutter remarks he sometimes feels relief when he dreams that Diane disappeared from his life. Todd then asks Princess Carolyn for a night off for his date with Maude. Diane says she wants to go to the Labrador Peninsula to spend New Years with his family, much to Mr. Peanutbutter's excitement. Captain Peanutbutter, not long before his surgery, talks him into doing it despite his melancholy; saying he'll call him later.